I have been a stranger to the blogging world...I apologize...Nolan is moving up in the world and will soon be in his "big boy" sports room. I wanted some fun pictures to put up in his room...here they are. Thank you Stephanie for being our wonderful photographer!

I love my little nephews.. Stephanie is really good at taking pictures. You will have to help me decide which ones of mine I need to blow up and frame!!! Love ya
Those are too cute!! I need to get stephanie over to my house too!
Jess, the first picture is priceless. I love the matching jerseys. It is hard to believe how fast your two littles ones have grown up. They are so handsome.
Love these pictures!!! The first one is my ultimate favorite. How adorable. And the last one of just Nolan , is it just me or does he look like prince William.
I love the idea of putting these pictures in his room. I always have the idea and have a real hard time following through with them. Do I remind you of someone you know well? They are so cute Jess. They should be in a magazine! I'm so happy everything is okay. I was a little worried when you and Amanda weren't posting. These pictures you two have posted made it worth the wait! Krissy
I love your pictures! I hate that our resident photographer, Stephanie, will be graduating and leaving us. She is so awesome! She was going to take Ryan's picture during spring break, but I left town...I can't wait to see what she comes up with. I think I'll have her take some soccer pictures too :).
Your boys are adorable!!!!! So glad you guys moved to Georgia :)
cute pictures jess! makes me want to have another little boy soon so i can get cute shots of them like that! how fun. the boys are adorable!
Jess, these are the CUTEST pics EVER! I love them all, but I especially love the one where they are sitting on the soccer balls with their arms around each other--PRICELESS!
--Jen Roper
Jess... you know your boys are so stinking cute, right?! I love all the pictures and you'll have to take a picture of the big boy room once you're done with it. That first picture looks like a postcard or something! So cute!
These pictures are SO CUTE. Now it is time to add me to your blog roll. www.rachaelbrinton.blogspot.com
They are so big and old now...I hardly recognize them! What amazing pictures! Hope all is well!
So precious, Jessica! I love those shots. Really love the first one. Glad you are back to blogging . I've kind of taken a break myself- so many other things to do, I guess!
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