Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Oh The Drama

The greatest thing about having a blog is the ability to keep it as a family journal. I love documenting some activities, achievements, and mishaps of the boys, and seeing how they grow and develop. The other day I was working on the computer and I vaguely heard the boys playing/fighting in the other room. It went on for a couple of minutes and it progressively got louder and louder. I've actually got to the point where I've been able to tune it out pretty well. However, Jess decided that she had heard enough when Nolan let out a big scream and started crying even louder.

She went in and shouted "SH*# CHASE...WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Well I ran in as quickly as possible. (mostly because I know when Jess uses profanity it must be serious) All I really saw was Nolan bleeding from the mouth, and Chase crying. So I grabbed Chase and took him into his room to see what had happened. Apparently Nolan wasn't listening to Chase and didn't want to line up the planes in the correct order. (One of Jess's traits of course) Anyway, Nolan was getting upset and decided to punch Chase. Chase with his lightning quick skills decided to push Nolan with the pillow, and pushed his front two teeth into his lip.

So after all the pandemonium subsided Chase stayed in his room to cool off in time out, and Nolan came out to tell his side of the story. (see video) The greatest part of the entire event (besides Jessica's potty mouth) was the fact that Nolan needed a Band-aid. He didn't want Jess to put it on him, he just wanted her to unwrap it so he could put it on himself because he's a "Big Boy!"

For all those out there who have kids...ENJOY! For those who don't...ENJOY!


Nicole H. said...

Jess you used profanity? WHAT are you kidding me? So you aren't perfect, so good to know I am not the only person who isn't as well. I can't believe how big Nolan is. And I'm sorry I can't see Chase being aggressive, he is such a tender child. Isn't being a parent fun?

Carissa, Brandon, Carly, & Tyler said...

Awesome! I wish I could have been there to witness Jessica's potty mouth. Palm Springs is going to be grrrrrrreat! I better teach Carly a few moves to defend herself!

Steve and Amanda said...

I love how Nolan acts soooooo innocent!! Poor Chase has a rude awakening when they are older, or maybe he already knows what he is in for!!!

Unknown said...

He is so cute! He reminds me of Chase. I am glad to hear that some "fighting" goes on in your house too :)!

--Jen Roper

The Bryner Bunch said...

Such a funny story! Nolan is so big, I can't believe Chase was the one hurting him! I'm glad to see that all was made better with just a Band-aid and not a visit to the ER!

Angie Whitman said...

Ohhhhh, I can not handle blood. I am glad to see your HUMAN side and I still think your just as great (even more so). I think Chase is so funny with the band aid on his lips...that is a classic. He'll love to see this when he gets older.

Chris said...

That video of Nolan talking with the bandaid on his lip is sooo funny! I watched it a couple of times :)

Rheads said...

That is CLASSIC! I love it that I am NOT the only one that that resorts to the SH*T word every now and then!

We need your contact info for Georgia! Micah wants to talk to you, Hank! Send us an email! (