Today was very exciting. The boys loved being in the snow and playing until they couldn't feel their fingers any longer. In some ways it makes us miss AZ and San Diego. However, it doesn't make us miss Utah. Chase and Nolan loved pushing the tractors through the snow and making all kinds of "Tracks." Nolan of course loved eating the snow more than anything. I was shocked when Chase started picking up the snow and started throwing it at Nolan and the house. They ran after each other for about 10 minutes throwing snow at each other. It was pretty classic!
This picture is of Chase throwing a mini-snowball at me when I was taking his picture. Thankfully Aunt Amy just sent us some cold weather Nissan and Infinity gear to keep us warm. This picture was taken at about 11am when it first started snowing hard. The picture above was taken about 12:30, so you can see the difference an hour and a half makes.
It's only typical that LaGrange hasn't recieved any snow since 2001. Of course the year we move here it snows(we swore we would never live where it snowed!). The best part of this picture is that the camera took the picture right before Hank slipped in the snow. Don't worry nothing happened...until he came inside the house with his wet shoes and slipped on the tile. It's nice to know we don't have to deal with snow for more than a day or two.
Although, it doesn't look like much, I think there might be as much as two inches of snow on the ground. Jessica was thrilled when Amanda called to let her know that church was cancelled. Only in the South would a little snowfall deter people from getting in their cars and driving the dangerous roads of Georgia.
Oh how fun! I am so dying to get up north to the snow. Who knows if it will happen. The boys look so big and seem so happy. We wish we could come have a snowball fight!
What a fun "snow day!" My kids LOVED the snow in Utah this Christmas, but I have to agree, I am glad we don't live in it!
Love that Chase was throwing snowballs and being aggressive--it was always fun when he did stuff like that :)!
Cute pics!!
--Jen Roper
That's the kind of snow I would love. Just enough to have fun for a day or two and then back to the mild weather. Hope to see you guys soon!
That looks like so much fun! I can only imagine how excited my kids would be to look out the window and see snow at home. What a blast!
Looks like your boys loved the snow! That is so great that they got a chance to experience it(if they haven't before), but I am with you, I'll take hot over cold anyday!
I can't believe it! I guess I wouldn't mind snow just for a day or two, but I'm with you... I don't like living where it snows. Glad you guys are having fun with it!
That is just wrong that only two inches of snow would cancel your church. I have never even had my church cancelled in the winter due to snow. Oh well, the pictures of your boys in the snow are really cute. Snow is so much fun to play in.
So fun! It is so pretty there. And yes just the perfect amount of snow. What a treat for the boys. Wish you were closer!! Hope to come see you guys sometime this year!
If you want to fit in with the "south" you need to remember that the hats you wear when it is cold are not called "beanies", they are refered to as "tabagens". Spencer will argue that you sled down a mountain with a tabagen, but in the south you wear one.
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