Friday, February 8, 2008

Backyard Zipline

So Hank decided it was time to spice up the backyard. With the help of Steve and a few trips to Home Depot, the zipline was created. In this video, Chase demonstrates the 168' ride from tree to tree across the backyard.


Aaron and Kalle said...

Jess and Hank I am jelous I want a zip line in my back yard. What a cool toy, I think your boys and Trent will just love it.

Nicole H said...

Oh my goodness. I totally thought you were like me, FREAKED OUT MOM. As much fun as that looks I'd be so scared to put my four year old on it. Now me on the other hand, I'd love it. Chase has gotten so big. Love his little voice. So fun to have such a wide open play area. Miss you tons. Call when you can.

Evelyn said...

Ok- that is soooo cool! Blake is going to be very jealous when I show him this! He wishes our kids had more open space to play in- and big hop houses and so forth. I love it!! Great backyard- I'm so happy you guys are enjoying your new area~!

Unknown said...

I am impressed that he will ride on that thing--yeah Chase!

His party looked so fun--I feel so weird that we weren't there! I am so happy you guys have made so many great friends!

P.S. Love his shirt..Wade is wearing the same one in my latest post! :) They will always be kindred spirits!

Blake and Kacie Bennett said...

Jessica I was browsing around on someone from our wards blog, I saw Hank and Jessica and I thought guys just disappeared one day from off our street! We knew you were leaving, but it happened so quick. It looks like you are having fun in GA. My mother in law just showed me pics of the snow she got, how fun. You could have never hung a zip line in your yard here! The arnetts are enjoying your old house, and we are enjoying having them close, so we are glad that all worked out like it did...if we had to lose you it was nice to gain them. Anyway, I am glad I found you! Keep in touch. Kacie Bennett

Angie Whitman said...

Are you serious??? Was that Hank on the video saying he would catch him on the other end?? What does he have super human speed or something? I am still in shock on how fast and FAR that went. Such a fun dad! Chase is going to be one tough dude!:)