In the small foyer at the enterance to our home hangs this picture of the Savior, Jesus Christ. I gave this, as a gift, to Hank one year for Christmas. It is titled, so appropriately, "Gentle Healer." We have had this picture for 3 years. I love this picture. I have walked by it numerous times in this home as well as in homes we have lived in previously. I always have the same simple smile on my face as I feel the warmth of His glow.
Since moving to Georgia in August of last year our family has been blessed tremendously. We have felt the love of the Savior Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father in our lives. I have been amazed by the people of the South and the incredible Christlike lives that they lead. They are the most unselfish, kind, and gracious people I have ever met. They would give you the shirt off their own back at any moment. I have also been amazed by their quest for religious knowledge. Their desire to know the Savior Jesus Christ and to adopt His Christlike behavior. This has given me the desire to further educate myself on the doctrines of my faith.
Growing up in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and being the oldest of six children was often crazy. I can remember one evening as a high school student, feeling particularly overwhlemed by the demands of school work, church activities, and athletics. When I returned home on this specific evening I remember my dad asking each of us to bring our scriptures to the living room as we would be having family scripture study and a brief Family Home Evening. I do not remember the words that were spoken, but I do remember the feelings that I had. I knew that what I had been taught was true. It has been said that religion is more than a belief it is something that is felt within us. I knew that the Holy Ghost had taught me one of the greatest lessons I could learn and that is the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
"Gentle Healer" reminds me of that evening. It rememinds me of the love that my Savior has for me and the love that He has for each of us. I have felt His healing touch and know that He lives!