Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Nolan!

I cannot believe that my baby is 2! There have been moments during the past two years of his life that were not quite so happy...but today was a special day. I stayed up until 2am with my mother-in-law to complete this famous Elmo cake that I have made for two too many birthdays. Each time I go back and forth saying I am going to make it and then I am not going to make it. And each time at about 10pm I decide that I am going to make it. At 2am I told Hank that I am never going to make it again.
When Nolan woke up this morning and saw his "Em-o" cake he was so happy. He told everyone all day about it and Chase kept telling me that I had done a "beautiful job" on the cake. I guess that is what a birthday is all about...making someone feel loved and special if only for just a day. We love you Nolan!


Amy Y said...

That is what it is all about, we all need at least one day a year that we feel really special! And you did do a beautiful job on the cake, I never have had the patience to even think about making a really cool cake.

So excited for Christmas around here too! Every day we get to hear... is it tonight???

Krissy said...

Jessica, first of all, that is the most impressive cake I've ever witnessed. I am not surprised by your talent, just impressed! I made a basketball cake for my Robbie for his second birthday(not nearly as impressive), but my baby just turned 11.....sad!!!!!!!!!! His first word was "ball" and still sleeps with that football nightly. I love it!
Second of all, it just freaks me out to see such a carbon copy of you. That cute, sweet Chase looks EXACTLY like you. That is so fun. I don't have one child who looks EXACLTY like me.
I used my brother to play Santa when my kids were young. I would laugh so hard listeneing to him try to sound like Santa. It's fun to just put them on the spot. And to watch your kids faces as they're listening is just as funny. I love it, and miss those times immencely. Do Hank and Steve need a secretary yet?

Unknown said...

Oh, the memories of that delicious Elmo cake! I love that you did it for Nolan too, but I am sure he couldn't have enjoyed it half as much as we did for Chase's 2nd birhtday ;)!

Love the post on Santa. Hank Sr. is so funny. Maybe I can get my dad to pose as our Santa?

Loved your christmas card--your boys are SO cute!!

--Jen Roper

Brody Purser said...

You are an amazing mother!! That cake is way to perfect! I can't believe it has been two years since Makaila and Nolan were born. Time flies by way too fast. Nolan is so cute, and so tall. By the way, I already have another one, you need to catch up! lol! :)

Love the story about calling Santa. Although, Lauren isn't buying it anymore. Also, will you e-mail me with your address, so I can send you a Christmas card.

Liz said...

Happy birthday Nolan!! Jess, way to go on the Elmo cake. I am truly impressed with your cake decorating skills. I don't think I will be able to compete with that for christian's birthday. We'll see... I think you may have inspired me to try!

Nate and Lalani said...

wow! I can't believe he is 2 ether b/c that means samuel is almost 2. Doesn't it seam like just yesterday that we were pregnant and uncomfortable? Happy b-day nolan!