To his dismay the only things on the top shelf were cups, juice, gatorade and paper towels. Thankfully Jess needed some paper towels so Chase was able to help her out with that task.
Apparently as boys get older, their desire to explore and to take risks outweigh their comprehension of what the consequences may be. Prior to Chase's "Summit for Snacks," he and Nolan were jumping off the bed and trying to land in the back of the dump truck. It was a unanimous decision not to show the picture of Nolan's elbow after the incident.
Classic! LOVE this picture. I'm scared for Dane to start exploring the world.... I'm not sure I'm equipped to deal with these sorts of things!
record chase singing the turkey song and have it automatically play instead of the xmas music. email me when its ready so i can listen to it
So funny (and typical!) Boys are so CURIOUS! I am a little surprised it was Chase who climbed the pantry instead of Nolan :)!!
--Jen Roper
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