Sunday, November 18, 2007

Coffee Table-1 Nolan-0

The old song "No more monkeys jumping on the bed" should also include the couch. Nolan decided Sunday night that even though he hasn't reached the age of 2 yet that he might possibly be able to fly.

Chase, Trent and Nolan started off playing a game of hide-n-seek and the game quickly turned into a game of jumping on the couch.

The large thud coming from the other room and Trent saying "I didn't do anything!" tipped us off that something was wrong.

Nolan cried for about 30 seconds and then realized the ice was way more interesting than goose egg on his head.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love that he cries for just a second--you needed a kid like that! He is so cute and getting so big--his b-day is right around the corner!

When I was putting together the slide show of Wade, I knew I had to have a picture with Chase, after all they were so close for most of Wade's life! We miss you guys and wished that Chase could have been at his party.

--Jen Roper