Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Finally an Update...

Since my last post many wonderful things have happened...

1. Hank was called to be the Bishop of our ward
2. Pregnant and due beginning of June
3. Completed my third half marathon and this time...10 1/2 weeks pregnant
4. The fun-filled holidays with young believers around!
5. A lot of unexpected snow for the Birmingham area...Snow days!
6. Kate broke her wrist
7. We're having another little girl

These are just some of the reasons I have not posted... But the pictures highlight all that took place between now and the last post. I mean, truly, that is all anyone wants to see anyway...right??


tollestrupfamily said...

YEA!!! Congrats. I kind of feel like I need one more girl. They are so fun to dress up but SO dramatic as they get older. :)

Chris said...

It was so fun to see you and your kids last week. They have grown so much, especially Nolan-he's going to be one tall boy.
Congratulations on the new girl. It will be fun for Kate to have a sister who will take her clothes. ha

the Villamor's said...

3 1/2 marathons...when was the 2nd. I REALLY want to do one this year but REALLY don't want to run in the cold...or run much at all...which could present a problem. But this comment shouldn't be about me should it! ha.

Love the pictures and loved seeing you guys more!

Matt and Jennae Porter said...

Congrats Hank & Jess! Another beautiful Jergensen grandbaby... your parents must be so thrilled. And you are amazing for doing a half marathon while pregnant. I would have been throwing up constantly!

Nicole H. said...

WOW, you have had a lot going on haven't you? Congrats on the coming baby. Your family is so adorable, and growing so fast. How are YOU?