Monday, August 23, 2010

Puppy...I know I can't believe it either!

Hank came home from work last Thursday with a "surprise" for the boys. I told the boys to go outside because Dad was almost home and he had a surprise for them. I was sure that it was something minor that he had found during his work day. A dog, really a puppy, however, in my small opinion, is not minor. I was not thrilled.

How am I going to take care of one more thing during my day? Well, needless to say the dog...which we have named Dixie is now officially ours and is part of our growing family!

Hank told me later that he thought it would be ok since we had agreed that sometime around Christmas we would get a's almost Christmas right???


Unknown said...

oh my gosh! So cute!!!! :-) at least you now have something that will entertain the boys! haha

Kelly said...

What an adorable dog? Are you letting it in the house?!?!?!

Matt and Jennae Porter said...

OH boy. Puppies are a LOT of work!! The first few months are awful with potty training and chewing EVERYTHING. IN. SIGHT. but after that, dogs are a ton of fun and will keep your kids entertained for hours on end. Good luck my friend!

the Villamor's said...

I bet I can answer Kelly's question....heck no! :) don't mean to speak for you Jessica;) ha! it is funny how quickly those 4 legged creatures grow on you especially when you see how much your children adore them!!!

Lightning McQueens said...

oh my word!!! you have officially relinquished your "most like LuDeen title". She is rolling over in her grave to know that her prodige (sp?) has allowed a filthy mongrel to penetrate the ranks! We'll just have to crown Rachie at the next reunion. (sniff sniff)

Rachael said...

Um Liz.....breaking news at 11 pm says I was adopted. I DO NOT (said in a shrill voice) qualify to be most like Ludeen. current pile of laundry certainly bigger than what is allowed for just one person disqualifies me!!! Just one question Jess. Do you allow the dog inside your house?