Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Best Part About Georgia

The reason we love Georgia so much is because we live so close to my sister and her family. There is nothing better than sharing milk and cookies with your cousins!


Amy Y said...

I'm so glad you get to have family close must make the change so much easier on all of you.

And a tractor party? Talk about a little's boy's heaven! Looks like so much fun and what a blast!

PS I can't believe how different your boys already look. I thought the picture of Nolan was of Chase at first. He's looking very grown up.

Brandon and Carissa said...

I really need to fix chase's tooth- It is driving me crazy! I guess that is just the dentist in me. Don't worry, I'll give you a discount.

The Bryner Bunch said...

Hey Jess, this is Jess Bryner (Jen Roper's sister). I just peeked at your blog through Jen's and I am glad to see that you are doing well! Having family nearby does make an unfamiliar place feel like home...I can relate, we felt the same when we first moved to AZ. We miss you guys and wanted to give you our blog address if you were interested:
Take care!

Angie Whitman said...

That is so fun to live by cousins!! If Jake had his way, we would move tomorrow and live by family...well, his family.:) I think if it were by my sister (and they didn't live in freezing Utah), I would definately jump all over it.
Sounds like a total different way of life...very laid back! Love that your boys went to a tractor party. That's so cool.
Miss seeing you!:)

Evelyn said...

Looks like so much fun! I'd LOVE to live near my sis. You are so lucky. Cute tractor party! How fun!

Unknown said...

Your kids look so great! I love the paper towels under the cookies (I would do the same thing :)!)

That b-day party looked amazing! My boys would have died!

Glad things are going well!

--Jen Roper