#3- Get'em with gas! That'll kill em!
While trimming some trees in the front yard of the house Hank and Steve are working on, they were attacked by a swarm of hornets. Needless to say, the hornets won the first round. However, in GA the country folk know how to get back at them there hornets. After a few bottles of gasoline down the hornets nest, only a few remaining hornets lived to see another day. The landscaper (who could not of been more than 19, but married for a couple years...do the quick math...) said that gasoline works all the time. "Juz don't smoke-round the hole when you pour the gas in." Thanks for the advice!!!
#2-You favor Dr. Johnson the dentist...Y-all Kin?
Upon meeting a local roofer...who had very few teeth...(go figure) After a few minutes of talking with him about an upcoming project, he looks right at Hank and says, "You favor Dr. Johnson...Y-all Kin? The translation was apparently Hank looked like a local dentist and the roofer wanted to know if we happened to be related at all.
Just before closing on our house, Hank called the insurance lady to get a quote for the house. After going through a few questions about personal belongings, tools, electronics, and miscellaneous items, she asked Hank about his Juriand-Firs. Perplexed, Hank quickly covered the phone and asked Steve for assistance. Steve had no idea what she said so Hank said "I don't know." After a few more minutes of questioning on the phone the insurance lady asked again, "How about your Juriand-Firs? Thinking this was some new thing that only existed in Georgia, Hank said, "I'm sorry, I really don't know what that is." The lady quickly responded, "You know, like yur, gold, diamonds, necklaces..." "AAAHHHH, you mean Jewelry and Furs.",